Wells, Water Tanks in South East. Effects of Gardens and plantations near the house.

Wells, Water Tanks in South East

Wells, Water Tanks in South East. Effects of Gardens and plantations near the house.

आग्नेय्यां भवनस्य कूपखननं पूर्वं कृतं वा तथा
वापी दाहभयादिकं प्रकुरुते तद्वत् फलं दक्षिणे ।ग्रामादेरपि दीर्घिकादी कतिचित्रेच्छन्ति याम्ये तथैवारामो गृहसत्रिधौ फणभृतां वासोपि नैवेष्यते ।।

Manusyalayachandrikabhashya, Sloka 30

If someone constructs a water tank or similar formations in the South-east (Agneya) corner of the house, then it causes fear of fire hazards.

Note: It also causes “Mandagni” to the inhabitants of the house. Not mentioned in this stanza.
Similar effect is caused if this construction is carried out in Southern direction. Tanks and such formations are also avoided on the South side of villages similarly.

Natural groves and sacred groves are also not desirable near the house. This is because snakes and other reptiles etc take refuge at such kind of places and may prove hazardous to inhabitants.

Note: Please note that ancient texts mention that groves and beautiful gardens are abode of “Gandharvas” or demi-gods, snakes and ghosts as well. As such houses near beautiful gardens and plantations should be avoided.

Alok Jagawat

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